April 4, 2021

Virucidal efficacy of different formulations for hand and surface disinfection targeting SARS CoV-2


K Steinhauer, TL Meister, D Todt, A Krawczyk, L Paßvogel, B Becker, D Paulmann, B Bischoff, M Eggers, S Pfaender, FHH Brill, E Steinmann


The Journal of hospital infection, S0195-6701(21)00112-2. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhin.2021.03.015


In the ongoing SARS CoV-2 pandemic effective disinfection measures are needed, and guidance based on the methodological framework of the European committee for standardization (CEN) can help to choose effective disinfectants on an immediate basis. This study aimed to elucidate whether disinfectants claiming "virucidal activity against enveloped viruses" as specified in the European Standard EN 14476 as well as in the german national DVV/RKI guideline are effectively inactivating SARS-CoV-2. Two commercially available formulations for surface disinfection and one formulation for hand disinfection were studied regarding their virucidal activity. Based on the data of this study the enveloped SARS-CoV-2 is at least equally susceptible compared to the standard test virus vaccinia used in EN 14476 or DVV/RKI guideline. Thus, chemical disinfectants claiming "virucidal activity against enveloped viruses" based on EN 14476 or DVV/RKI guideline will be an effective choice to target enveloped SARS-CoV-2 as a preventive measure.