August 8, 2021

Virucidal efficacy of an ozone-generating system for automated room disinfection


J Steinmann, T Burkard, B Becker, D Paulmann, D Todt, B Bischoff, E Steinmann, FHH Brill


Journal of Hospital Infection, Volume 116, 2021, Pages 16-20, ISSN 0195-6701


Besides conventional prevention measures, no-touch technologies based on gaseous systems have been introduced in hospital hygiene for room disinfection. The whole-room disinfectant device Sterisafe Pro, which creates ozone as a biocidal agent, was tested for its virucidal efficacy based on Association Française de Normalisation Standard NF T 72–281:2014. All test virus titres were reduced after 150 and 300 min of decontamination, with mean reduction factors ranging from 2.63 (murine norovirus) to 3.94 (simian virus 40).

These results will help to establish realistic conditions for virus inactivation, and assessment of the efficacy of ozone technology against non-enveloped and enveloped viruses.